ARCGIS FRIA map published (unofficial)

Thomas B

Arcgis is doing better on the FRIA mapping.

These are actual FRIAs. Earlier ARCGIS maps did not include any real FRIAs.

Nice that they are color coded by organization:

Purple-EDU (educational)

EDIT: additional important info.

This is NOT the official FAA FRIA map. This was created by the guy whose name shows up on the web page. He was able to get the exact gps for the FTCA and FPVFC sites, but he did not get access to the actual gps data for the AMA sites. The AMA FRIA site locations were set using club flying site information published on the AMA club info pages.

There will be an official FAA FRIA map at some point in the future.

That said, this map is still interesting.
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VP of SPAM killing
Any idea where they got the data from? My FRIA shows up on the map but I haven't received any notice from FTCA or FAA.

Thomas B

Any idea where they got the data from? My FRIA shows up on the map but I haven't received any notice from FTCA or FAA.

Good question. I don’t know for FTCA and FPVFC.

Some time back, the AMA tagged the clubs that had been approved for FRIAs on the AMA web site. The AMA sites could be obtained that way, although it would be tedious. The map does mention that the creator used the club site data published by the AMA on the AMA web site.

I checked the locations of a few FRIAs that are places I travel to for events and they look about right.

Were you the person that requested the FRIA through FTCA? If not, it would likely not come to you. Under the AMA system, the club member that did the FRIA request through the AMA is the only one that gets notified about the status of a FRIA.

Looks like you need to talk to FTCA or the FRIA requester.
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Techno Nut
The AMA I fly at a mile from my house is on there. We got FRIA notification late october.

There is also a FPVFC fria at a metro park that has a FPV area.