A smaller 850 3S. Its smaller for this plane, but all I've got. HOWEVER, D-Day Doll's maiden flight yesterday did not go well. She immediately rolled over on her back and did a fairly impressive loop 10 feet off the ground, and popped the wing off. Surprisingly, she only required a few hot glue stiches and looks just fine. I got lucky.
On every other plane I have, hand launching is a routine procedure after once or twice, but not with this bird. With the differential thrust, you'd think she would just leap out of your hand, but on both of the C-47's I've built now, its white knuckle every time. I haven't figured out the right combination of balance, throttle, throw, angle, etc. yet. Maybe the CG is out of whack. Who knows? But once she's up in the air, she's good. She just cruises around like the real version and is awesome to look at. Just a little scared now of that hand launch.