Thanks for your reply!
I'm running a 1300mah at the very front of the battery box and that was balancing perfectly at 3". I'm going to do my due diligence and make sure I don't have any weird thrust angles or incidence issues. I'm pretty sure I ended up with a good amount of down trim and that trim seemed okay with power on or off.
Assuming everything checks out, I'm thinking of extending the battery box a bit to try to move CG FWD and I was also thinking of trimming the ailerons to be more neutral, rather than flush with the trailing edge which puts them in sort of a down angle (like flapperons). The stall was coming on so quick (even at cruise speeds) it was hard to tell if it was a wing loading problem or AOA problem.
As long as I flew with very small pitch movements, it did fly okay. I didn't do any slow speed on that flight but the landing went okay, if a bit hot into some tall grass.