Ok Fire inspectors just rolled thru and everything is great. Smoke alarms work. Fire extinguisher is charged and hung in an appropriate place in the kitchen area. I cant remember when the last time my build bench was so clean and organized. Usually the workspace is the mat on the left and the right is piled high with materials. All that has kind of worked its way to the right to my catch all table. That's next on my to do list for sorting out. I want to make that my air brush corner as there is a window right there that I can vent a fan out so I don't dust the walls with over spray.
I even relocated the three inch quad I started building last November to the table so maybe that will motivate me more to finishing that up. I cant believe its been about 10 months since I have flown anything. I used to fly every day before all the F.A.A. crap went into over drive with stupidity and oppression.
Anyways I will be starting the wing and or installing electronics today and tomorrow. Well at least that is my plan. Will have to poke
@kilroy07 with the phone call I wanted to do a few days ago before the inspection thing came to be.
@mayan Hey mate did you do any dihedral on your main wing or is it a straight wing since it has flaps and ailerons? also have you by chance weighed your build as an all up or at least all up minus the battery so I got an idea how far off I am? As mine sits right now the complete fuselage including wheels, motor, and two battery straps is 412g. Need to add the servos ESC and receiver before I decide if I want to make a tray to build a cockpit in. I suppose I can do that and if its too heavy not put it in when I fly. It will have to be removable anyways so I can get to the battery.