Elevon mixing for Spektrum DXs transmitter


New member
I recently built a flying wing that uses elevons. I'm trying to program my DXs transmitter to work with this. In the elevon modes, though, the right stick is controlling pitch, and the left is controlling roll. I would like to switch the roll so that both pitch and roll are controlled by the right stick on the transmitter. Is that possible with this transmitter?



...I would like to switch the roll so that both pitch and roll are controlled by the right stick on the transmitter. Is that possible with this transmitter?...
Yes, it is possible with a Dx transmitter.
I'm not a Spectrum guy, so I can't give you step by step directions.
Somewhere in the menu there will be a choice for elevons. Make sure you have it selected.
What you are describing sounds like a Vtail. Make sure you doe not have Vtail selected.

Elevons can be tricky to setup, the exact setup depends on how you install the servos. Flip a servo over & you need change the setup.
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