Well, my co-worker who was all excited about coming flying this weekend had something come up Saturday morning, and Sunday morning didn't respond to my text until 12:30 when I was on my way to lunch (and it was already 105f out so I wasn't really up for a trip to the "field" even if it wasn't crowded.)
But the super blood moon seems to have affected my daughter and and by 5PM I had to do something to burn off some steam or risk not having a daughter anymore. Went up to rat shack to look for a buzzer to see if I could get that wired up and working on this guy...only to find my local store (which escaped the bankruptcy closures) has been remodeled yet again and now has one teeny tiny rack of parts instead of the two aisles they had just a few months ago. Grrr. Ran a few more errands looking for bits for the animatronic ghost I'm building and between the stores not having what I wanted and all the Sunday/full moon/early snowbird drivers out today (Seriously people, side by side doing 15 in a 35?!?!) I didn't care about the heat anymore...I had to do some flying to release the pressure.
Well, at least the sky is gorgeous....let's pop the mobius on the 280 and do a little front yard LOS acro to relax.
That started well. Even on the stock PID's I'm getting some nice tight almost no altitude loss double and triple flips. Yaw is still a bit sluggish...that yawing flip I'm working on still looks as scary as it feels...hmm, this wind is getting a bit nasty. Meh, the pack is still fresh let's go do some more rolls. And...oops. Full throttle into the street. Looks like lots of bits flying off. Doh.
Two "indestructible" DAL 6045's in the broken prop pile. Not unexpected and no big deal there.
Hmm, that big ugly tail is pretty cracked up though:
Well, I've been looking for an excuse to cut that monstrosity off...good thing I didn't have the stock VTX mounted. The case around it may have helped add some strength and minimized the damage, but I suspect this would have broken the case and VTX as well.
No broken arms, two of them have some rough edges on the ends now...and oh...what's this?
Guess I know which arm hit first. Sheared the head off a mounting screw (good thing emax includes a spare!) but the arm held up and the motor is still in good shape!
Yeah...this thing can take some serious hits
Really wish this heat would break already...though it was going to but then came back. Next 7 days are all predicted closer to 110 than 100....but looks like the week after that predictions are finally dropping under 100. Hopefully just a few more weeks until I can go do some serious flying without having to guzzles a couple gallons of water to replace what I sweat out in 15 minutes of being out of my vehicle