Flite Fest 2022 Community Challenge – WWI “Dawn Patrol”


Hi all!

First time poster, long time lurker. I guess I joined the forum about 1 1/2 years ago but just haven't posted.
I have attended several FliteFests as a spectator and plan to attend this year as a pilot.

So to the point...

I'm working on a 1/6 Nieuport 28 based off of these plans:

Construction is entirely of EPS hot wire cut foam. The fuselage is "slices" of 1.75" foam left over from shipping material. It was designed using DevFusFoam. https://www.devcad.com/eng/devfusfoam.asp

The foam is covered in newspaper soaked in a mixture of white glue and corn starch, diluted with water.

I'll provide additional information and start a on build thread soon below:


NM156 aka Captain Foul
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Master member
People have been posting videos for inspiration and overall hype. Thought I might as well jump into Rise of Flight and do a video of the Albatross D.Va going into dogfights! :D

First video didn't quite go as smoothly as I'd have like it to though. So I made a second third fourth fifth video to make up for it.

But of course, I didn't want all those spare recordings to go completely to waste:



I build things that fly (sometimes)
Hi all!

First time poster, long time lurker. I guess I joined the forum about 1 1/2 years ago but just haven't posted.

NM156 aka Captain Foul

Welcome aboard! Glad this challenge pulled you out of hiding! I peeked at your build thread and LOVE the methods. Rarely seen/used in the FT community so I'm glad you're sharing them with everyone and I can't wait to see your build(s) in person at FF!

Just so people know... you don't HAVE to have a CNC hot wire to use this method, but it sure does help :) If you're patient and willing to cut a lot of templates you can use a freehand bow to cut the slices. It won't be as accurate and you'll have more cleanup to do but it can be done.

I'm also eager to see how your covering comes out and how it handles moisture. That is a big consideration where I live.

I'll update the first post with your build!
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Thanks for the kind words.

You are absolutely correct about using templates with something as simple as a manual hot wire bow with a battery. In fact years ago I did it that way. The templates were made from countertop laminate and cut using a scrollsaw. I guess I'm just getting lazier as I age!

My experience with the newsprint covering is that holds up much better than DTFB or FT water resistant board (admittedly a low benchmark). Depending on weight budget, I'll sometimes apply water based poly thinned down before the finish paint.

I'm not too far from you and I know the humid Ohio summer takes its' toll on airplanes.

For anyone interested in this technique check out this FT oldie:

PS. If you build something like an SE5 or my C28 that has a fairly consistent fuselage shape, it requires fewer templates.

PPS. Packing material is a great source of EPS (Expanded PolyStyrene) foam. (Usually white, has tiny bead like in styrofoam cups). The blue and pink XPS (eXtruded PolyStyrene) at the home improvement stores is usually too dense (per cubic foot) for the smaller models, but can sometimes be used.


50 Percenter
Build, Share, and FLY with us!

The Flite Test community has a long history of “organic” events that have started here on the forums, sometimes from just one member’s crazy idea, and then grown to culminate as an exciting event at the next Flite Fest. While there have been MANY more there are a few that stick out to me. Golden Era Pylon Racing, the Blue Angels Formation Flight, World Record flights, and of course the Gotha Gaggle.
There have been too many of these events to mention them all, but several of us have been mulling over something similar for Flite Fest 22 and would like to present, for your consideration (and hopefully participation) the following:

FT Community Dawn Patrol – A Tribute to WWI aircraft

Background: After many conversations regarding FF21 several of us came to the conclusion that we wanted to see more WWI aircraft. WWII warbirds, civilian aircraft, and modern warplanes abound at Flite Fest and we love them all but there is a certain nostalgic feeling you get from admiring some of the earliest fighting aircraft. Designers were willing to try almost anything and as a result the range of unique subjects is immense. We want to see them fly!
We hope you agree and will join in the fun.

Mission: Encourage the FT Community to expand their skills and take on a new challenge, specifically designing, building, and flying a WWI aircraft.
While we hope to see all of the participants and their aircraft at FF22 this challenge is open the EVERYONE, whether or not they can attend.

Specs: Models should be 1:6th scale (exceptions can be made) and should ideally be built using common FT materials and techniques. While providing plans to the community is encouraged it is not required for participation. Unless there are changes in policy for FF22 all models should be electric powered.

Event(s): We don’t have anything locked in yet and there has been no communication with the powers that be at Flite Test. For now this is 100% community sponsored and run. That being said I would like to see:
  • Afternoon/evening “hangout” where we can display the models together, share the history of each, perhaps share some harrowing combat stories, and generally talk shop with anyone interested in the aircraft. Hopefully we can get some good “Golden Hour” shots of the old birds together, and perhaps even have a few demo flights for pilots brave (or crazy) enough to join the daily sundown furball that is Flite Fest.
  • “Dawn Patrol”: after generating interest and sharing the models during the hangout we awake bright eyed and bushy-tailed the next morning to take to the skies in a group flight. For the main flight I’m not suggesting an actual combat sortie… just a leisurely tribute flight with all participants.
  • “Dawn Patrol II: Raise the Stakes: My personal suggestion, and I’m happy to be overridden by the community on this, but I would LOVE to see some “historical” engagements, streamer combat style. This could be small groups recreating actual dogfights or any and all of the participants who are willing to risk their airframes for a little streamer combat fun. Totally optional.
  • Debrief: Following the combat join the other participants and spectators (and whatever remains of the models) in one of the tents for coffee, donuts, and comradery.
Again these are just my personal suggestions for potential Flite Fest 22 activities. I’d be willing to sponsor a prize and trophy (3D printed of course… I’m not springing for a silver cup :p) Best-in-Show or People’s Choice award, perhaps based on voting collected during the evening hang-out from the spectators.

Go BIG or (don’t) go home: While the intent here is to build models at 1:6th scale some of us have what you might call a problem 😊. As of this moment both willsonman (Joshua D. Orchard) and I have both started 1:4 scale models. Actually it is more accurate to say that I have STARTED an Albatros D.Va while willsonman has FINISHED a Fokker D.VIII. You are WELCOME to join us in our madness and build BIG with us. Both Joshua and I plan to have 1:6th models as well to fit within the guidelines of the event. If we have enough people building BIG perhaps we’ll have a separate trophy for the larger birds, but for now I’d like to give that award to one of the 1:6th models.

To date we have a number of individuals already committed to participating, many with models in various states of completion.

Willsonman (Joshua Orchard)
  • Fokker D.VIII (1:4 scale) – Done and FLYING!
  • FVM Ö1 Tummelisa BUILD THREAD
Mid7night (Ben Harber)
  • Blackburn Type D
Adrian Chupp
  • Fokker DR1 Triplane
Dan Sponholz
Keegan Sponholz
  • Fokker D.VII
Jarrod Roetenberger
  • Can’t remember
Patrick Shawn Murphy
  • Sopwith Camel (I think)
13th Squadron
  • Albatros D.Va
Wilmracer (Carl Lydick)
  • Albatros D.Va (1:4 scale) BUILD THREAD
  • Albatros D.Va (1:6th scale… probably)
  • Moraine-saulnier AI (1:6 scale)
Yankee2003 (Mike Perry)
CrashRecovery (Ryan)
  • Albatros D.Va (1:12 scale)
Baron VonHelton
The Fopster
  • Bristol M1(c) (1:9 scale)
  • Ilya Muromets (1:12 scale, still BIG!)
Off-topic jes
  • Fokker dr1 or se5 (TBD)


Add your name to the list and join in the fun! We can use this thread to share pictures and progress of the builds and to brainstorm and refine the ideas for how best to share the fun at Flite Fest 2022. Hope to see everyone and their WWI models there!
Might enter with another one
No guarantees tho


Well-known member
This is slightly off topic but certainly relevant to the group.
How many in the group build plan on attending and of those attending how many are going to be volunteers?
I am considering volunteering but would like feedback from y’all. Also any suggestions on what to sign up for would be helpful.
The form asks for first, second and third choices.


Builder Extraordinare
So, I encourage you to head over to the volunteer thread for the bulk of your questioning:
Flite Fest 2022Official Volunteer thread | FliteTest Forum

To put it cleanly, Volunteering is work. Be ready to work. If you are volunteering to try and get a freebie somehow, please don't. it makes the lives of other volunteers more difficult, which is wrong, and tarnishes the FT name, also wrong. The choices are volunteer areas. Things like flight line, build tent, parking, and things like that. Carl and I have been "Red Shirts" running the flight line and that is a ROUGH gig. There's are tremendous amount of reward in volunteering and it's primarily the pride you get from a job well-done in running a successful event. When you see happy faces, you've got the knack of it.


Well-known member
Thanks Willsonman I will check out the thread. My initial thought was to go and immerse myself into the people and the event and volunteering sounded like a way to do that. I certainly would not do it if I was a detriment to those I would be working with. I will take your words to heart.


Builder Extraordinare
It IS a tremendous way to involve yourself in the people of the event. Some folks LOVE being on parking duty because they enjoy being the first impression for a lot of folks arriving to the event so it sets them on the right foot there. Some like to work in the build tent by helping with builds because you can have conversations and get to know folks.

IMO the flight line is the heart of the whole event. Memories are sealed there for good or worse. Helping those who need it is very rewarding. I can't even tell you how many folks came up to me just asking me to maiden their aircraft. It was a real treat. You've also gotta keep everyone safe so keeping your head on a swivel and keeping a close eye on the sketchier builds. I've seen an entire family bond over flight there. Wouldn't trade those memories for anything. Now, my feet... yeah those were tough days. Granted as a Red Shirt I put in a lot more hours each day than the average orange shirt volunteer but I knew that going in. Still, it is very rewarding to see moms and even daughters step up and try. You also have the best seats in the house for combats... and fires. I earned my nickname "fire gazelle" from Stefan by spotting those fires and instantly darting out into the field to extinguish them.


Well-known member
It IS a tremendous way to involve yourself in the people of the event. Some folks LOVE being on parking duty because they enjoy being the first impression for a lot of folks arriving to the event so it sets them on the right foot there. Some like to work in the build tent by helping with builds because you can have conversations and get to know folks.

IMO the flight line is the heart of the whole event. Memories are sealed there for good or worse. Helping those who need it is very rewarding. I can't even tell you how many folks came up to me just asking me to maiden their aircraft. It was a real treat. You've also gotta keep everyone safe so keeping your head on a swivel and keeping a close eye on the sketchier builds. I've seen an entire family bond over flight there. Wouldn't trade those memories for anything. Now, my feet... yeah those were tough days. Granted as a Red Shirt I put in a lot more hours each day than the average orange shirt volunteer but I knew that going in. Still, it is very rewarding to see moms and even daughters step up and try. You also have the best seats in the house for combats... and fires. I earned my nickname "fire gazelle" from Stefan by spotting those fires and instantly darting out into the field to extinguish them.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question, you have been very helpful. I hope I can hold up the tradition and represent Flite Fest in a positive way If I get selected to volunteer. I think I would have a hard time being there for four days if I wasn’t doing something most of the time. I can only sit and “relax” for a short time.


Well-known member
Here is what I have so far...more details in my build log.
IMG_3179.JPG IMG_3178.JPG


Master member
I saw these in Hobby Lobby & think they might look good for doing bracing wires on the 1/6 scales. They come in 4 sizes in one pack. .75", 1.0" 1.25" & 1.5" lengths. I bought that & some .018 wire with a package of crimps. Found them in the jewelry making section. Will see how it looks for bracing wires on my Gee Bee.



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Elite member
could I join, but with a 1:20 scale? I am planning to build an airliner, the Handley Page hp.42, but it would still fit with the theme nicely. The thing is it ahs a giant wingspan of 40m, and I cant afford to make mine any larger than 2m in wingspan. It is credited as the largest biplane. there probably wont be any thread though, as I always forget to post stuff on threads. It will also be built mostly at flitetest.



I build things that fly (sometimes)
could I join, but with a 1:20 scale? I am planning to build an airliner, the Handley Page hp.42, but it would still fit with the theme nicely. The thing is it ahs a giant wingspan of 40m, and I cant afford to make mine any larger than 2m in wingspan. It is credited as the largest biplane. there probably wont be any thread though, as I always forget to post stuff on threads. It will also be built mostly at flitetest.


I'd love to see the HP.42... BUT... it doesn't fit the theme/timeframe for this event. It was designed in 1928 and first flown more than 12 years after the end of WWI. It is honestly more at appropriate for a "golden age" type event from the 20's and 30's. As an airliner it also wasn't a warbird (except for a few used by the RAF at the start of WWII).

Please don't let this discourage you from building one before/at FF! At that size it would be a great subject. It may very well fit into a future challenge as well, but for this one we'll be sticking with WWI.


Elite member
I'd love to see the HP.42... BUT... it doesn't fit the theme/timeframe for this event. It was designed in 1928 and first flown more than 12 years after the end of WWI. It is honestly more at appropriate for a "golden age" type event from the 20's and 30's. As an airliner it also wasn't a warbird (except for a few used by the RAF at the start of WWII).

Please don't let this discourage you from building one before/at FF! At that size it would be a great subject. It may very well fit into a future challenge as well, but for this one we'll be sticking with WWI.
I just think that it would fit in quite nicely, as the h.p. 42 was said that it should've been made as a VIP transport a decade earlier. that is why I was thinking it could fit in as the one VIP transport among the planes. (those did exist by the way) if it doesn't get accepted into this challenge, could I still fly it with the other dawn patrol aircraft?


I build things that fly (sometimes)
I just think that it would fit in quite nicely, as the h.p. 42 was said that it should've been made as a VIP transport a decade earlier. that is why I was thinking it could fit in as the one VIP transport among the planes. (those did exist by the way) if it doesn't get accepted into this challenge, could I still fly it with the other dawn patrol aircraft?

I mean, would a F-100 Super Sabre or similar aircraft fit into a WWII contest because technically there were jets around in WWII and this one was only built and flown a decade later... Even an F-84 would be out of place and it flew first in '46. I think if we open it up to aircraft from the 1930's we're really moving the goalposts and we'd have to consider a TON of other golden era aircraft. That sounds like a GREAT challenge for another year ;). We did golden era racers a few years back. Non-combat, non-racer golden era civilian aircraft would be a goldmine for unique models. Ask me again in 2023 ;););)

I personally wouldn't have any problem at all with it joining the other aircraft in the flights, and I really DON'T want to be the gatekeeper of fun. It is a VERY cool, huge, twin engine biplane and I would love to see it done and would be the first in line to drool over it. That being said at the moment (at least for my part) I'm only planning "winners" (trophy and prize) for 2 categories, maybe 3. Definitely the "best in show" 1:6th WWI scratch builds, Definitely the "best in show" Scout XL, and maybe the best in show for non-1:6th WWI build.

But if you build it I'll be right there on the flight line, camera in hand, wanting to see her fly! :love:


Builder Extraordinare
I’m just gonna state it here that I’m going to exclude myself from any competition or contest. As a “founder” or “originator” of the event I’d like to just be there for the funsies. So, my Tummelisa, Scout XL, and 1/4 scale Fokker D.VIII are all there just make friends.


Elite member
I mean, would a F-100 Super Sabre or similar aircraft fit into a WWII contest because technically there were jets around in WWII and this one was only built and flown a decade later... Even an F-84 would be out of place and it flew first in '46. I think if we open it up to aircraft from the 1930's we're really moving the goalposts and we'd have to consider a TON of other golden era aircraft. That sounds like a GREAT challenge for another year ;). We did golden era racers a few years back. Non-combat, non-racer golden era civilian aircraft would be a goldmine for unique models. Ask me again in 2023 ;););)

I personally wouldn't have any problem at all with it joining the other aircraft in the flights, and I really DON'T want to be the gatekeeper of fun. It is a VERY cool, huge, twin engine biplane and I would love to see it done and would be the first in line to drool over it. That being said at the moment (at least for my part) I'm only planning "winners" (trophy and prize) for 2 categories, maybe 3. Definitely the "best in show" 1:6th WWI scratch builds, Definitely the "best in show" Scout XL, and maybe the best in show for non-1:6th WWI build.

But if you build it I'll be right there on the flight line, camera in hand, wanting to see her fly! :love:
Ok. thanks. I mostly wanted to fly it with the other aircraft, as it would fit in nicely, and if the ruling is its not accepted into the challenge, then so it will be. just a note, this beast has 4 motors, not 2.