FTFC19 Terminator Hunter Killer designed by LitterBug


Techno Nut
LitterBug's Entry:
Terminator Hunter Killer

After much thought, Many ideas, and many more ADHD moments.... Think I will throw my entry down on a Terminator Hunter Killer. Falls right in line with the bicopters and tricopters I'm working on, and there are several variations from the terminator movies that I can choose from. I've always been intrigued by these when watching the movies and thought, how cool would it be to make one actually fly!



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Skill Collector
Awesome! Welcome aboard! :D

Personally I'm partial to the evil cylon tricopter myself - especially as a movie character it has more of a menacing presence I think :alien:


Techno Nut
Wait a second here... Prop or EDF?
Both! I will do my initial testing prop, and then try EDF! Don't have EDFs on hand, but am looking at a 35mm rear and 64mm Fronts. Will do 5" and 3" prop testing. Clear props will hide pretty well.... Just sayin.... And I could print ducts for props and scale it up too.... IE think my Octo UFO type ducts.....
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Wake up! Time to fly!
Just a heads up LB. Look on you tube as some one did this and the Avatar gun ship years ago. You may be able to recon some intel on problems he went thru to get his airborn and fairly well controlled on very old tech.


Techno Nut
These just came off the fast boat

So between these and my BiCopter testing.... I am making some progress on this design/build process too! :-D Will test with these as is.... I'll design replacement 3D printed ducts for these motors/props rather than incorporating these ducts into the final build. Have carbon tubing to use for framework and once it's flying will work on making it purty.



Wake up! Time to fly!
Ohhh. Light bulb moment...

Hit up Vaaleon here on the forums. He has done all kinds of things with single ducted fans up to tri's.

I am sure he can help you out with a dual edf setup.


I can help you with the 3d model, if you need an hand, what kind of 3d cad software are you using?
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Techno Nut
So a lot of distractions going on lately, dead cars, moving parents, new job, #$@! weather, and I lost one of the EDF units among everything else. Well, it turned up today so maybe I can get a little work going on this to get it moving along. Since I took all the gear off EZbi#2, I can use that frame/spar as a base to start with. Going to find a tub to throw all this in so the parts don't get scattered again too. :-D



Techno Nut
yup, gonna be cool! congrats
Any progress on plans, planes, mockups?
Nothing new..... YET....

But it is winter, and I did fly for the first time in over four months this past weekend. Maybe some progress on this after getting more winter flyers and my other bicopter projects are flying successfully. This was going to be a follow on to the bicopter since the front two motors will be mixed very similar with the addition of the rear motor with thrust/pitch mix



Techno Nut
Making progress on the EZ-Bi build. Just need to add a tail and 3rd motor for the ducted prop beta version of the tri-motor HunterKiller...

First successful ground test, hover, and autotune

Bad PIDs from the autotune. TOO MUCH YAW AND PITCH!!!

And some EZPZ flying around the gym on default Roll/Pitch PIDs and Yaw = 15/15/0

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