FTFC19 Terminator Hunter Killer designed by LitterBug


Techno Nut
Did another indoor fly friday night but forgot the gopro. :p Made real progress on the EZbi by removing the ducts. (just too much weight). This whole process of playing with the bicopters has been a great learning experience for me in manual PID tuning. I've always used autotune as a crutch rather than learning to do it for myself.

David's inspiration for the RCExplorer BiCopter was in fact the original Hunter Killer bicopter pictured above. It is real obvious when you look at it. So in theory, I just need to put ducted fans on it and be done. LOL. Still want to do the tri version and use a foamboard body... Just lacking time to work on it at the moment.... Need to do some 3D printing dev work and printing....




Techno Nut


Wake up! Time to fly!
This would make your "Terminator Hunter Killer" more realistic;

Im guessin these guys did not see Terminator rise of the machines.

Im all for ai helpin do things. Solving problems is not one of them. At some point it MUST come to the conclusion humanity is a problem that needs to be solved.

It will want a flight controller or esc and realize we use them all faster then they can be made and the battle for resources will begin.

We already do it to each other for oil, food and land.


Techno Nut
It's when we link them there AI FCs together with skynet that the stuff hits the fan.



Techno Nut
Reworking both the RCExplorer Bicopter and the EZbi.

RCExplorer Bicopter is getting 3D printed motor pivots which lower/improve the pivot geometry.


BOOM! EZBicopter has been exploded to swap out the F3 DTFc FC/PDB for Matek FCHUB-A5/ F405-STD and add Servo feedback. Support for F3 Flight Controllers is getting slim as there just isn't enough RAM on the F3 CPU to support all the features.



Skill Collector
That's a slick looking 3D printed motor mount setup! Definite improvement over the ones we used on the old FT Electrohub Tricopters :D


Techno Nut
David W's buddy Terje designed the mounts and posted them up on thingiverse. I'm using pieces from the Mini and Baby tri Impossible Tilts. I've been using them on all of my mini and baby tricopters. They reduce friction in addition to better geometry making a huge improvement in tail response time.

That's a slick looking 3D printed motor mount setup! Definite improvement over the ones we used on the old FT Electrohub Tricopters :D


Techno Nut

Here are links to @Terje's Impossible Tilts on Thingiverse and the parts used from each:
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1035497 Impossible Tilt
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2869393 Impossible Tilt- Baby Try edition
Impossible_tilt_v11_low_profile_easy_access (mirrored for these motors)​
I print them using PLA at 115C, .1mm thickness, 4 bottom and top layers, 3 perimeter shells, and 20% infill. Afterwards, I open up the holes with a 3mm drill (maybe 2.95mm) to let the M3 bolts/screws pivot smoothly. I use M3 Nylock nuts to keep the pivot bolt from loosening and thin M3 washers between the pivoting parts with just enough clearance that the washers can move freely, but not enough to allow slop.

The Tilt_back and Servo_holder_tall fit on 10x10 carbon rods. The splines on the motor holder fit the RCExplorer (BlueBird) servos as well as Turnigy TGY-21#DMH servos (ie TGY-212DMH). The Tilt_back and Servo are ZIP-Tied to the 10x10 beam for mounting.

The motors I'm using are rather short which makes it necessary to use a spacer to lift the motors for prop clearance. I'm using the RCExplorer motor plates between the 3D printed mount and the motor. https://rcexplorer.se/product/circle-motor-mount/ Those are the standard motor mount plates from the RCExplorer Mini and V4 Tricopters where the motor is bolted on to the end of 10x10 carbon rods.

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Techno Nut
EZbi re-FCing complete. Just need to button it up after doing a quick sanity check and servo speed test. Servo feedback appears to be working perfect. Ready to head to next Friday's indoor fly.

