First Flight report:
I took two planes out this weekend to Maiden. The Prandlt -D and the RB-2. I filmed the first but never got the second off the ground.
I love this little plane. It's fun to look at. I put in a 1300 mAh 3s as far forward as I could go. I tested the system and didn't get the right motor to spool up. then the rudder servo made a whirring noise... so I unplugged it after truing the rudders. After a few restarts and pull-out the pod wiggle wires, and re-install type checks. The right motor did spool up. A quick successful taxi-ing gave me confidence, it was time to take off.
I ran it up and it took up, and climbed right into a loop to smack face-first into the ground. I moved the battery further up (as far as it would go, and tried again. (mind you elevator is level.)) and it did the same but just a hair slower. 2nd attempt to see if I can elevator some control into it, yielded a nut stripping (only barely on) crash.
I was unhappy, and done for the day. My hopes dashed. As is routine, I swore off the hobby. again. again. then reneged and just swore off planed that don't work or are untested. This salty-ness caused me to forgo flying for familial duties Sunday... Probably for the better.
by Sunday afternoon, I had thought about how to make a second attempt succeed.
add a front battery hatch for a 2200mah battery sideways. and find thinner prop hubs (I think I have a Few) so I can get enough thread on the shaft to bite the nut.
Servo Thoughts. Replace the rudder servo. (use the busted one for a 360 cam motor maybe, or a motor for a paper indoor glider.
The Prandlt-D is done. (for now)