Oh, man I agree...
I just tried (like in: how hard can it be?(Should have taken your word for it...))
Well, they made it hard to deal with ....
If it does NOT crash, and you try for medium resolution you get a black screen, might as well have it crash ..
If it DOES crash, well it crashes, so you loose al you've done ...
As a SW developer myself, this also makes me itch ...., it does nothing you'd like to achieve, more enough, it behaves differently every time I launch it.
I had a basic scenery completed, want to save it, it just HANGS on the save dialogue .... lost everything AGAIN ...
You have Phoenix now, or did you just download the Creator?
Yes, not good for mental health or blood pressure, and as you say I did warn you =). What bothers me the most is that other people have succeeded, so why can't I? I've worked with buggy SW for over three decades (try completing a thesis in Word 97!) on all kinds of platforms but this is one of a very few cases I had to give up. Hoping for updated tools for the next (?) version of Phoenix.