Honestly, the only thing under 75 dollars that will fly pretty well is something scratch built, in which I would recommend the Flight Test Tiny Trainer or Simple Scout. If you really don't want to scratch build, the I would recommend something over $100. There are definitely smaller planes that are under $75, but I personally have had very bad experiences with them. If you already have the electronics for a scratch-built plane (motor, ESC, transmitter, receiver, servos, battery), then you can pretty much make a great flying and very rewarding plane for under $10. If you don't have these electronics, you can get pretty much all of them under 100 on amazon, or just buy a Flight Test "Power Pack" for whatever plane you choose to build. Then you can make a LOT of planes for cheap and just switch the electronics between them. If you still choose to buy one online, I would recommend:
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0812CDSDY/?tag=lstir-20 This is a very forgiving plane, but it is still 4 channel and can be very fun for stunts as well. This is the equivalent of one of the Flight Test beginner planes. I would still recommend scratch building, so reply if you want some links for some good quality electronics. Have fun flying!