UMX A-10 Launcher


I have a UMX A-10 that is a blast to fly, but a pain in the butt the launch. Out of the six or so launches by my self, one was successful. I need another person with a strong arm to get me air-born. I was wondering if anyone has any basic idea of a bungee launcher that I could build. Thanks.


I have a UMX A-10 that is a blast to fly, but a pain in the butt the launch.
Hand launching is a learned task. EDF's are slow to respond and don't reach full thrust until they have build up some air speed, some positive air pressure. Try giving it full throttle from the start, point the nose upward 20-30 degree, and give it a good firm toss. You really don't need a hard toss. Just a good toss that will not introduce any unwanted spins.

Here is an article on a Bungee Launcher. Try a Google search for 'model aircraft catapult launcher'


Try giving it full throttle from the start, point the nose upward 20-30 degree, and give it a good firm toss.
I have been using this technique the whole time. But the A-10 has a high thrust line, and at low speeds, will push the nose down slightly.
Sorry for your trouble, the A-10 is one of my absolute favorite planes so this is good to know before I buy one. Just spit balling, but would a higher C-rated battery help give some extra punch for takeoff? I've never done EDF so I don't know if it would work the same as a prop.
Could you try setting up a launch mode in your controller like is common on DLGs? Set up a launch setting that has some nose up trim, then once your in the air and moving switch to normal mode and you should go back to your normal trim.


Could you try setting up a launch mode in your controller like is common on DLGs? Set up a launch setting that has some nose up trim, then once your in the air and moving switch to normal mode and you should go back to your normal trim.
Normally when I toss it: Full trottle, Full up.