
  1. S

    Newbie - questions before starting APM wing for research

    Hi, I last helped build an RC plane >30 years ago and also did a few free flight balsa/tissue jobs plus some control line planes. Fast Forward a few decades: I am interested in doing some ecological work and am looking to start cheap while I learn. I can design and build a foam wing plane...
  2. Y

    APM 2.8 destabilizes on descent. PID help?

    I have an F450 frame with an APM 2.8. It flies well, but especially in autonomous flight, it gets a growing oscillation on descent that builds until the quad is tipping 90 degrees in either direction and it falls out of the sky! I'm trying to adjust the PIDs to fix the problem, but am having a...
  3. M

    Yet Another Newbie here ranting about Ardupilot apm and Pixhawk configurations.

    Hello everyone, I am Michael Cote', very new to the hobby of RC everything... trying to build the FT H Quad. I am having some trouble understanding the ardupilot and what it all comes with. can anyone tell me what ardupilot apm 2.8 comes with? What each Peripheral does? what is the basic...
  4. R

    Should a newbie buy a pixhawk?

    Hi everyone. I've got a electrohub in spider mode with a KK2 FC, and a arris 2 axis gimbal controlled by a stom32 (3 axis controller). I know nothing about aerial photography, but am really keen to go down that route. Running the stock RTFquads t2212-980Kv motors, and f-20A ESCs. I've been...
  5. hotbrass2005

    NAZA M Lite vs Ardupilot vs Knockoff APM vs Others?

    I'm planning out a build of an electrohub quad to be used as an AP platform and potentially as an aircraft for getting involved in Airbears. I'm trying to decide on a flight controller, but am not sure which one would be best for me. I'd like to be able to do GPS hold, altitude hold, etc...
  6. N

    TBS Discovery Pro Build

    As some of you know, I recently built a QAV500 after breaking down my hex for parts and to be completely honest, I was never 100% happy with the QAV500 for 2 reasons: It was too big I was never able to get completely stable video footage as there were vibrations in the frame so the gimbal...
  7. A

    Problem with GPS Ublox NEO 6M

    Hi, I've got a GPS Ublox Neo 6M module and even though I've tried to upload the firmware from ublox website in the mission planner(I'm working with APM 2.6) the program doesn't detect my situation. I've tried my u-center too and it doesn't detect the gps, as it doesn't exist. How can I solve...
  8. N

    Goodbye Hex - Hello QAV500 and something else.

    Nothing bad happened to the Hex, I just took it apart. Let's start off with something pleasant: When I grow up, can I have big props like you? So I had a relatively large hex, a Tarot 680 with 850 KV motors and 13 inch props but all I used it for was to lift a Gopro and small Gimbal. Hexes...
  9. V

    Controller board Possitioning.

    Hi everyone....I am new to forums i already new about FT but didn't spend any time here. i have a question for very smart people out there.As you know Dji Inspire i have a fancy ballscrew landing flapping kind of thingy for landing and its known that it bad to place FCB away from cg but it...
  10. Raptortech

    Climb to target altitude during mission?

    Here's a quick mission planning question. So I have a fixed wing aircraft and I'd like to plan a mission in which the aircraft climbs to a target altitude and then performs a servo action. From testing, I found that if I set one waypoint at 30m and then the next at 100m, and the aircraft does...
  11. Greg2B

    Pocket Drone...Rebuild...APM Woes?

    Long time no post here... So I supported the kickstarter for the pocket drone and if you have been following the social around it you probably know that most people are not thathappy with what they received. Quick background,when I supported this kickstarter it was right when I was getting...
  12. N

    APM 2.6 Gimbal control through board.

    Hi Guys, I have spent a lot of time trying to get the gimbal control to work via the APM2.6 and would like to share how I eventually got it working. I was using the RC channel directly from the reciever to the gimbal but the APM should support the gimbal pitch/roll natively but in the...
  13. P

    Long Range HD FPV + Telemetry 15+ Mile Range

    About this project The Long Range Telemetry + HD Video/Audio is a portable device that allows you to use your tablet, smartphone (yes even iOS), or laptop as a ground station for your APM and Pixhawk powered vehicles. The system makes the connection between your tablet/smartphone, your ground...
  14. Raptortech

    HELP!!! Trouble connecting ReadyToFlyer 2.8 to Mac running OSX 10.10.1 (Yosemite)

    Pretty simple: my mac simply does not recognize when the ReadytoFlyer 2.8 is plugged in. I'm using APM Planner, which will acknowledge my USB telemetry module, but it doesn't even show that anything is connected when I plug in the ReadToFlyer. I checked using the stock USB Prober application and...
  15. N

    13 Inch props on FY680

    Hi Guys, Thought I'd share something about my relatively large Tarot fy680 Hex. The specs say that the largest prop size is 12 inch however since I upgraded the motors to some 700kv pancake and run 4s I figured I'd order some "cheap" 13 inch props from helipal. They arrived and I fitted them...
  16. lordhamham

    Which is your favorite controller board and why?

    Hello all, I'm kind of new to the forums, made an account and then got out of the hobby, now I'm back in it and I'm starting to consider my next build. I am a very proficient flyer and very tech savvy. I am curious about what your favorite controller board is and why exactly? I want one that can...
  17. I

    Tricopter Yaw issues (APM)

    I have recently built a tricopter that has been flying well in stability mode until the past couple short flights. It now constantly turns to the left (yaw axis) now and I can still control it but I have to correct for left spin. I am using the APM 2.5 (hobbyking version) with an external...
  18. P

    Waiheke Island (NZ) awesome scenery and blue waters

    Put this video together about a month back, thought i would share it with you guys to see what ya think of it. Using a go pro 3+ and a tarot gimbal on a custom lunchbox H-quad running a ardupilot apm 2.5.
  19. I

    APM and "Dead Cat" Frame

    On the episode where they introduce the Electrohub kit, Bixler mentioned that APM has a specific configuration for "dead cat" style (also known as "spider")quadcopters. Does anyone know what setup he is talking about? I can only see +,X, and V. I've tried mine in X mode but it seems suboptimal.
  20. R

    Pixhawk from 3D Robotics

    I just got a Pixhawk flight controller from 3D Robotics. I have been reading all the information on it for days. There is a lot to know. Does anybody have a Pixhawk? If so can you share any tips you might have? Thanks.:D