It's been 6 days & this is all I have? Well, I did lose 4 days going back to the Mayo, so 2 more days on this dang nose block I guess isn't too bad. I wish I saw the video where
@wilmracer did his Pitts Challenger out of fiberglass. It would have made this a lot easier. If U haven't seen it. check it out. Anyway, made the form from pink foam & don't ask me why, but I thought scooping out the foam when done was a good idea. I got it to work, but that was a bassackwards way of doing it. Put a total of 3 layers of 2oz cloth on the balsa section & that turned out to the strength & thickness I wanted. For the nose block, 2 layers of 2oz, 1 8oz & finished it with 1 1oz cloth. For the 2oz & 8oz, I put a very LIGHT mist of 3m 77 on the foam to place the cloth & put the corner slits where I needed them. This allowed me to smooth it out flat especially on the overlap slits, & brushing on the epoxy went on without a hitch. I used a poker card for a squeegee & layered each one that way. For the final layer, I used a wide sponge brush as a squeegee leaving some epoxy to fill the weave. Scooped out the foam by cutting squares & and a chisel 'till I got close to the glass part. them I used lacquer thinner to melt out the rest. This risked softening up the epoxy, but as long as I blotted it up quickly, it worked out is all I can say.