Oh no! Snags, set back, & this didn't quite work out!
Was making good progress until Wednesday night. Wanted to epoxy the shaped LE on, & both my 5 & 15 min was too old to make any use of it. Yesterday, had to wait for the hobby shop to open and it is a 45 min drive. Got the LE on & noticed a slight warp from the LE. Use a little heat & bending & bent too far & snap. Glued back no problem, nice & straight. Then I went to cut a groove for the 3/8th stringer, & that's when I found that craft doesn't do this very well. It is beady in texture and tends to shred. I got it in, but I still need to groove out for the rear stringer & and 1/4" ply for the main gear wire to install. This is going to make a mess of it. I went with this foam because it is white. intended to put a 2 1/2" X 1/16" sheet on the LE and a 1 1/2 X 1/16" on the trailing edge. Then I was going to add 3/16 X 1/16" strips in between for the simulated ribs. The antique yellow Solartex, which is very translucent, would cover. With the white foam in between the ribbing, this would have looked nice & old school. I've used this foam on a smaller model with full sheeting & it worked out well. It cuts great with a hot wire & is light. The sheeting adds incredible stiffness & found it to hold out under hard aerobatics. I never thought about the way it cuts. Now, do I try and salvage this, or start over with pink foam?