Hey guys, towards the end of the summer I took my miniquad and mountain bike and started riding down a trail close to my house that I had never gone down before. The trail is overgrown at the start and is about a mile long stretch until it runs into a road. Breaking off half way down the trail I discovered a completely isolated field. Everywhere was overgrown with wild plants and it was obvious that the field was not in use. Right in the middle of the field was a single tree proudly sticking out in the hot sun. I only got to fly one battery because I was saving the others for the trail itself (video coming later). Check out the video below. It is a little short, but I though I would try to get a video out.
I definitely plan to return to this spot in the future. The trail hides many flying opportunities!
I definitely plan to return to this spot in the future. The trail hides many flying opportunities!