Adventuring into my first MS design. BF-109 G2.


Master member
I designed and built a 30" P36 in the fall in the normal FT method and now after building a few of @Niez13 designs, I've got the bug to design one for myself. I was going to go for an early BF109 but found some real nice multi view drawings to work from of one after Messerschmitt took over, thus the ME109 G2. I'll try to post as much as I can and plan on a build video after the initial design is cleaned up. Come along for a ride!

(Link to resource: )
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Master member
First generation wing. Built one half to get the lengths right after a little math to get the top skin lengthened. Planning in flaps at this stage although I've never successfully flown with them (i've got a post in the "what did you crash today" threads with the @Grifflyer Shrubsmacker)

going to be a 46" span.


Master member
Looking like 5 to 6 sheets of dtfb when it's all done. I've gotten to really like using loctite 100 spray adhesive to attach the plans and cut through them. Makes for really accurate results. One can lasts me 10-15 builds mixed minis and master series... probably 40 sheets worth of dtfb...


Master member
early wing built. Needs a few tiny tweaks but went together quite nicely.

I started the "tubes" to pass the wiring through after everything is assembled in my last build. Worked out so well I think it'll be a regular addition!


Flaps working out nicely...


Master member
Still in familiar territory here. Going together pretty well. I do have to say it's really cool having built many of other's designs. I've found things I like and things that I have a hard time with, so I figure out my own way! Still having fun... we'll see what my demeanor is once I start on the fuselage skin! 😆🤣


Master member
oh yea. almost forgot. some doors (me, duh) assumed the centerline should have been the middle line of the power pod. Guess what... it isn't 😆. I don't think it will make a huge difference being 3mm high for testing, but my mind is making me modify the plans to lower it...

Hey, just looked at the 3d printed firewall... mounting it upside down will put the CL sheet it should be on the plane. Will allow me to accurately test, still gotta move it....


Elite member
Beautiful seams! I like the cockpit angled section for a cleaner end product. Seems like you've got good hold on it but I would do for the tail is take strips of 5mmx5mmx?mm of foamboard and wrap them around the formers to make it easier to find the exact shape of the molded piece.


Master member
Slow progress the last few nights. I ended up pulling off most of the fuselage cover panels (didn't glue, just taped while I get the form correct) so I could inventory some of the tweaks I had to do to get things to fitting with the formers and such. I did get the radiators and cowl intake designed well. Now I'm rethinking a few internals so I might get some airflow across the ESC. I'm diverging a bit from the normal swappable idea by possibly tucking the ESC under the power pod - I hope nobody is offended :ROFLMAO::LOL:

I also got to correct and clean up a few issues with the plans before I forgot what I was thinking. It's nice using the white foam board - I just write my notes all over the plane:D

Just a note for others that may be reading for ideas - I'm actually using DTFB to prototype out my covering on the fusealge, not cardboard. I do half - from centerline bottom to centerline top. Then I mark the edges lightly with a black marker and scan the half pattern in and double it in Inkscape. Not sure if the cardboard is easier to deal with or not, but my initial plans one at a time (seam to seam on the formers) came together with very minor modifications.

Hopefully some pic-worth progress by the weekend (continuing building the FT MS Corsiar tonight with a friend!)


Master member
Beautiful seams! I like the cockpit angled section for a cleaner end product. Seems like you've got good hold on it but I would do for the tail is take strips of 5mmx5mmx?mm of foamboard and wrap them around the formers to make it easier to find the exact shape of the molded piece.
Thanks! It was your designs that helped move me along! I've been having luck with using 5mm foam and wrapping half the fuse so far. I shouldn't have glued the rest in place like I did last night - it is making the final piece a bit more interesting, although I have a design ready to scan and put into Inkscape. I've been lucky so far as things have gone together rather well, though I found that the far tail of the fuselage spine needs modified. I think I'll just need to get a good form on the foam first.

As I think about it, I might try how you did the back on the FW190, with a seam at the leading edge of the hstab. That way I won't have a super difficult bottom seam to wrap and glue. I suppose I will try it both ways and see which work better! I love this part of the hobby!


Master member
How did I not see this thread!! Awesome seams! Such a clean build! Might be my first full size plane build!!
wow thanks! I'll hopefully wrap up the design build this weekend and see how it flies. I've been tweaking the plans as I note problems, so if all goes well I'll be doing a second build only from plans later next week. If all goes well, plans will be soon after! I'm looking forward to seeing if someone else can figure out my plans 😆🤣


Elite member
wow thanks! I'll hopefully wrap up the design build this weekend and see how it flies. I've been tweaking the plans as I note problems, so if all goes well I'll be doing a second build only from plans later next week. If all goes well, plans will be soon after! I'm looking forward to seeing if someone else can figure out my plans 😆🤣


Master member
getting close! I think I'm going to need some how-to notes on the tail section, but I think it's going together pretty well!

I still need to get the stir straws installed before permanently attaching the tail section. Looking to cut the servo holes in the wings tomorrow and get the servo tray designed as well. YAY! :D:p


Master member
getting down to the nitty gritty here. push rod stirrers installed, servo tray in, plans updated. took a few notes of what's left. geeze I hope it flies well 😆🤣😂

left to do on the design and plans
-servo mount holes and control horns slots on plans
-canopy design...clear and foam board options 😆
-front cowl ring
-wing skirts


I'll probably get the electronics installed this weekend. Tons of room for whatever battery I want! I'm still not sure on cooling.... I the intake under the cowl makes it into the fuselage, but at this point there isn't any room between the battery tray and the top of the wing. I'll figure it out soon enough I guess!

getting close on the specs:
wing span 48"
length 38"
weight (no battery) 550g
power 2216 1120kv
5 channels (built with flaps)