Yes, you can! Just use the power pod nacelles from the AP Godai SECTION D -TWIN ENGINE LAYOUT (file: AP_Godai_Plan_D_Full.pdf). That's where the FT Mini Power Pods fit in. Check https://airc-pirates.com/godai-downloads/ for the file.
Yes, you can! Just use the power pod nacelles from the AP Godai SECTION D -TWIN ENGINE LAYOUT (file: AP_Godai_Plan_D_Full.pdf). That's where the FT Mini Power Pods fit in. Check https://airc-pirates.com/godai-downloads/ for the file.
to be honest, I do not have the mini powerpods. I was thinking of putting the powerpods from the original ap eazy as a pusher, and put them under the wing.
AP Eazy 6" with an old Robitronic 2204 CW 2400kv, a 15A ESC and some MetalGear 9g Servos
The used Foam is Selitac Aquastop (5mm - also available in 3mm and 2,2mm). It's an acoustic floor insulation.
Building the Eazy was ... well, easy.
Maiden ended early. Thunderstorm...
The Plane flew a bit awkward. It's propably a CG issue with the heavy 2200 3s and my sloppy TLAR measurement of the CG...
Seemed to fly better with higher speeds.
Unfortunately it's gonna rain for the next few days.
just asking for my build, is it possible to make it with a little less curves, so that it would be easier to draw out the plans by hand for something so large. also, what is the wing cord? thinking of making it as a wing on top, since I will have two motors, and making it an armin wing, as no planning is needed for that. what do you think, @AircPirateNinsei
If you want to draw the plans by hand, then you should take the dimensions and measurements from a printed full plan for upscaling and where you do not want to have a curve, you build one or more corners. You can also take the measurement of the wing chord from the full plan. If you want to put the wing on top, you should reduce the height of the front fuselage. You should start with the wing and then build the fuselage.
If you want to draw the plans by hand, then you should take the dimensions and measurements from a printed full plan for upscaling and where you do not want to have a curve, you build one or more corners. You can also take the measurement of the wing chord from the full plan. If you want to put the wing on top, you should reduce the height of the front fuselage. You should start with the wing and then build the fuselage.
the problem is my parents are angry at me using up all the printer paper, otherwise, I would have printed out the 150% using tiled, @AircPirateNinsei I am making the enlarged wing plan as I type. I will after all make your wing, nothte armin one.
the problem is my parents are angry at me using up all the printer paper, otherwise, I would have printed out the 150% using tiled, @AircPirateNinsei I am making the enlarged wing plan as I type. I will after all make your wing, nothte armin one.
I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I also am to lazy to combine the tiled plans that are so big, anywys, I am working on scaling it in inkscape while saving space.
for my large ap eazy project, will it be fine if I just mount the wings on top, as the lower wings, jjust compensated for the thrust angle, and now, the thrust is inline with the wings? it is so big I want to make the wings removable.
AircAirpiratenensei, what a great design! Will maiden when weather breaks. As per plans except extended wing 4 inches and increased nose moment by 2 inches. "F" motor. AUW with 1350ma 3 cell is 16oz with static thrust of 16oz.
Hi I printed the plans in Letter size and wanted to use a 6" prop so I printed 6" Power Pod Nacelle in Letter but it is very undersized. I have the 6" on top of the 5" template in the pic and you can see how much smaller it is. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Hi, please check if you printed the part with a size of 100 percent. Your printout looks like your PDF program has downscaled the page. You can use the inch/cm scale to check each printout for original size.