FF15 Question Thread


Don't worry about it. If your temp document has your pilot number (probably does) then plug that in, else put in a random number for now and we'll lookup your number when you get here.

We won't really need to see your "card" if we can look it up online, though it will speed things up when you check in if the connection out at Furey field is less than able (it was wonky last year and might be again for all we know).

Ok, cool. The temp doc doesn't have a number, so I'll just make something up for registration. I will likely have my card by FF, so I'm not worried about that, Eventbrite just won't let me past that page without populating that field.


Ill check it at the event any way in registration it will take a week or two to get your card just bring it with you to FF


Junior Member
Will there be a video TX frequency management plan/impound station? (32 channels / 700 pilots) * sharp spinny things = sad times potential greater then 1. A lot of the new VTXs have push button channel selection, so you have to hit every other channel on the way to the one you want.

Of course there are other bands available but they are less used.

Maybe a DIY faraday cage (EZ up and metal screen?) for setting up VTXs.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Last year the immersion guys were running the freq board -- no impound, but folks were STRONGLY encouraged to not power on VTX's anywhere else. The problem is worse than you mention . . . the 32 channels overlap. at best, playing with alternating polarizations you can get 7-8 on the 5.8 band at once, but that's assuming everyone's gear is clean and undamaged.

Long story short -- only power on VTX's at the FPV line (you're not out in a field alone) and only after checking on your RTX that the channel is clear. If you've got a push-button VTX, you'll have to wait until everyone's down to swap channels lest you step on the guy out at range, still in the air.

SEFF this year was fairly FPV heavy and although they're still sorting out and training people with "how to be a good neighbor", the worst we had was the occasional walk down the line trying to find the guy who left his VTX plugged in inside his tent.
I was at FF2014 and had a great time. We were camped very near the RV end of the Flite line, and missed most/all announcements. The audio speakers didn't go that far, so when. Are there any plans for additional speakers? Any chance of an fm transmitter that car radios could be tuned to? Maybe HAM radio frequency? Any other suggestions??


Trash Hauler emeritus
The problem is worse than you mention . . . the 32 channels overlap. at best, playing with alternating polarizations you can get 7-8 on the 5.8 band at once, but that's assuming everyone's gear is clean and undamaged.

The problem is even worse than that, because a lot of popular equipment out there only gives you seven of those 32 channels to begin with. For example, my Fatshark goggles and my ImmersionRC transmitter.


Senior Member
Would it be possible to somehow create a negative gain antenna so you could power on the VTX and switch channels without damaging it or stomping on someone else's signal?


New member


Senior Member
but dip switches would be a lot easier than taking the antenna off and throwing on a dummy load every time you want to change channels

It would be, unfortunately I don't have one that uses dip switches. And honestly, I'm not sure there's room for dip switches with as small as the transmitter I'm using is. Might have to see if I can pick these dummy loads up somewhere locally. There's no way that it wouldn't be cheaper with the $10 shipping.

$25 for a transmitter and a camera was a deal I just couldn't resist for my first 5.8GHz system.
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New member
Austin, My lovely wife is going to join me in my cross country trek, we will arrive hopefully a day early. We have a Neff Brothers RV, and may opt for the pickup and delivery to the event option they offer. Question is, can we move em after they deliver or are we having strict RV vs Camping segregation this year?

Can't wait to see you and your Parents, I have told Kat about the amazing hospitality your family provided, and how they welcomed a few thousand strangers to their farm and took it as casually as if they were having the neighbors over for coffee. BTW I Will be ready to Host the Eric Monroe "It's ALIVE" coffee corner again this year. We have a Generator, and we know how to use it!!

Is there anything we can bring you from California? Did you leave anything in the bay area at Maker Fest, or need anything hauled back east? We can make room (within reason) A favorite Hot Sauce or something regional? I know I am grabbing some Fedora Coffee to take home with me! Let me know.


New member
Kimberly = Awesome

I have seen this asked in one or two other places, but I will ask here since it is pertinent!

Does the spectator fee cover one day, or does it cover all days? I am assuming it would only cover one day, and since I am on the fence about wanting to be a pilot or a spectator I may upgrade to pilot and work on my skills before the big weekend. :) I am surprising my husband with this trip-SOOOOO excited-but I am a beginner and would seriously consider registering as a pilot, too!

As a follow-up: since I have already purchased a spectator ticket, how might I go about upgrading to a pilot's ticket if (and probably when) I make that decision?

Thanks, everyone! I am pretty much freaking out about this. This is going to be awesome!


What a wonderful gift to give your husband, and to surprise him is even better. My wife is attending as well, though she does not fly (yet) she is excited to come and watch the event, and I hope give it a try. I hope we meet there, we will have Pink Flamingos outside our Neff Brothers RV. With any luck, Eric Monroe is going to do his famous "It's Alive" coffee over near us again this year, (something not to be missed). Anyway, please look us up, and stop by for a cup of coffee or an "adult beverage".




New member
I can Second That

I will say there was probably plenty of consumption at last years event. everyone was respectful and nothing ever got out of hand

I never saw anything that I would consider even anywhere near what I call AFI (alcohol fueled idiotics). People were awesome, and then some. I think it is partly because we all know and appreciate the fact that the Fury's are graciously extending their hospitality and we admire and respect that.


New member
tell your dad....

I need help!!!!!! I am trying to convince my Dad to go to ff15. We live in NC and I really want to go but I am having trouble talking him into it so any tips?? He says it is to long a drive 7.5 hours:)

Tell your dad...
That is is a wonderful family friendly event. I would bring my grandmother to it if she was still around.
That it would be a great father and son bonding event. You could even build a plane together in the Build Tent and then Fly it.
The memories you make will last a life time. I am nearly 60, and have lived a life that makes the guy on the Dos E ques add look like a shut in hermit, and yet my fondest memories are of times with my family, and specifically my Dad. I cherish them beyond words.

If none of that works tell him......
That if he comes and finds me I will give him coffee or beer.

We will be in a Neff Brothers RV with Pink Flamingos around it.


Junior Member
Camping ticket question

so what if someone was going to flitefest 2015 and bought camping tickets and doesnt need camping tickets but is still going?? is there a way to get refunded just on the camping tickets?
The problem is even worse than that, because a lot of popular equipment out there only gives you seven of those 32 channels to begin with. For example, my Fatshark goggles and my ImmersionRC transmitter.

I thankfully have a transmitter/receiver combo that each have 32 channels. If I have to, I can just switch to another frequency.


New member
I thankfully have a transmitter/receiver combo that each have 32 channels. If I have to, I can just switch to another frequency.

Just keep in mind those 32 channels on 5.8 overlap. You can't just got to a different frequency, you need to go to a different frequency that is far enough away. You can be on a different channel but only be 5 MHz away and you will step all over them. In practice I would say it is pretty hard to get more than say 6 FPV pilots in the air at once if everyone is on 5.8. You may get a bit better by using both left and right pol and making sure everyone is using similar tx power but it is not easy.


New member
I know it is probably too late to be mentioning this but has anyone thought about the idea of having mini seminars in the evening hosted by any of the many prominent figures that are attending the event like IBCrazy, JB, nerdnick, Dan from LazerToyz, to name a few. Topics could be like FPV etiquette and basics, individual Q&As (aside from the main Q&A), build tips, motor/battery selection, anything really. It would give the attendees the chance to get real time answers from the experts for things that they may be confused about or couldn't find the answer to in a forum.

Just a thought.