
New member
Hello, this motor seems a little too big for this small, light jet. I would go with somthing along the lines of an eflite habu motor. This would probably be better suited for this jet.

Hope this helps-Ryan


Junior Member
Thanks Ryan! If by any chance I run out of options and this is the only one left, will the plane be able to support the speed and weight of the motor? Thanks.


New member
It's not the weight of the edf that is the problem, it is the battery you will need. 6s batt's are not light and if you do find one of a comparable weight to the recommended 4s it will be too low a mAh rating too work.


New member
Yup, the standard 70mm EDF is great for them and not too costly. I have the remains of my HobbyKing Stinger II for mine. It had a 4S fueled 64mm EDF and I'm sure it will be plenty. Heck I fly my light Viggen on a 2208/12, +/- 150W motor and it has lots of "get up and go".