So for my Mid-life Crisis, I went on my 41st B-day and bought a cheap Blade Nano QX 3D from my local hobby store. While I was looking to educate myself on Quads and FPV I came across the flite test crew comparing some quads with FPV.
Next time I was on Youtube it suggested I watch a Build Video. After the intro piece where Josh Bixler explained Flite Test's Vision and mission to bring affordable RC to all who want it, then followed with the swap-able concept. He had me at affordable RC.
I am a Civil/Structural engineer by training and have loved to take a concept, make plans, and build my thoughts into reality. I do it all day, so you think it wouldn't be my leisure. Well I enjoy woodworking, Sewing, and building/fixing whatever I can. When I saw that for ~$1, and some common supplies, I too can make a flyable glider. (and re-live my youth with better results) and I may be able to share this joy with my sons, starting now with my 7yr old.
As many young kids, I bought styrofoam glider kit (4ft wings) and promptly tanked it into the ground, breaking the wing with no idea how to fix it, and nearly cried at my hard earned money destroyed in seconds. I've always been fascinated with flying things (kites stood fast for years) but dismissed it as too expensive. My joy of flying things took a big hit that day, but it wasn't crushed. Reinvigorated when I visited my Great Uncle George who took us up in his Cesna every visit.
So with the quad being so EASY to fly I was excited to see how simple and affordable these FT builds were. And I've been excited about this new opening door of FT should be. I then held myself up and said wait, Mr. FoamyDM, the foam may be a dollar, but just how much is everything else going to cost? I said if I can't get in for $100, I should stop myself right now. I just don't have that kind of money to throw around.
then I found the 100mph, for $100 episode. and checked it all out. Then I knew I was done for.
Just yesterday was a delivery of all the parts I ordered and am excited to finish the 4 planes I built in the 3 weeks it took. (Plus the Sparrow my son is building). I also decided that if I can find FPV for under $100 I was in with that too. They all arrived at the same time. I'm worried about how this has enabled me in my addiction to design/build.
In the time I've waited I have built the FT Simple Soarer, the FT Tiny Trainer (both wings) the FT Mini Arrow and because it just looks SO cool, the FT Mini Corsair. . I know the Corsair is for when I get some comfort first.
ANYWAY - I'm excited to be part of this community and the hobby (finally after 30 yrs). and Thank you Flite Test!
I would love to build an ornithopter one day and see if I can't dress it like a dragon for all the D&D players out there, mine mainly. I'd love this forum's help to make this a reality. It just seems like soo much fun.
I'd like to issue a Challenge:
Can you build a Dragon-like Ornithopter model?
So for my Mid-life Crisis, I went on my 41st B-day and bought a cheap Blade Nano QX 3D from my local hobby store. While I was looking to educate myself on Quads and FPV I came across the flite test crew comparing some quads with FPV.
Next time I was on Youtube it suggested I watch a Build Video. After the intro piece where Josh Bixler explained Flite Test's Vision and mission to bring affordable RC to all who want it, then followed with the swap-able concept. He had me at affordable RC.
I am a Civil/Structural engineer by training and have loved to take a concept, make plans, and build my thoughts into reality. I do it all day, so you think it wouldn't be my leisure. Well I enjoy woodworking, Sewing, and building/fixing whatever I can. When I saw that for ~$1, and some common supplies, I too can make a flyable glider. (and re-live my youth with better results) and I may be able to share this joy with my sons, starting now with my 7yr old.
As many young kids, I bought styrofoam glider kit (4ft wings) and promptly tanked it into the ground, breaking the wing with no idea how to fix it, and nearly cried at my hard earned money destroyed in seconds. I've always been fascinated with flying things (kites stood fast for years) but dismissed it as too expensive. My joy of flying things took a big hit that day, but it wasn't crushed. Reinvigorated when I visited my Great Uncle George who took us up in his Cesna every visit.
So with the quad being so EASY to fly I was excited to see how simple and affordable these FT builds were. And I've been excited about this new opening door of FT should be. I then held myself up and said wait, Mr. FoamyDM, the foam may be a dollar, but just how much is everything else going to cost? I said if I can't get in for $100, I should stop myself right now. I just don't have that kind of money to throw around.
then I found the 100mph, for $100 episode. and checked it all out. Then I knew I was done for.
Just yesterday was a delivery of all the parts I ordered and am excited to finish the 4 planes I built in the 3 weeks it took. (Plus the Sparrow my son is building). I also decided that if I can find FPV for under $100 I was in with that too. They all arrived at the same time. I'm worried about how this has enabled me in my addiction to design/build.
In the time I've waited I have built the FT Simple Soarer, the FT Tiny Trainer (both wings) the FT Mini Arrow and because it just looks SO cool, the FT Mini Corsair. . I know the Corsair is for when I get some comfort first.
ANYWAY - I'm excited to be part of this community and the hobby (finally after 30 yrs). and Thank you Flite Test!
I would love to build an ornithopter one day and see if I can't dress it like a dragon for all the D&D players out there, mine mainly. I'd love this forum's help to make this a reality. It just seems like soo much fun.
I'd like to issue a Challenge:
Can you build a Dragon-like Ornithopter model?