Okay I'd want to comment mini hien. This plane is sooo smooth. It flies flawlessy. I wanted to crash it to have parts for mini spitfire, but this plane just flies too good. It has great handling both when you fly fast and slow. Very little torque problems, even besides I made no right thrust, inverted requires almost none elevator correction. Conversion of wing to FT style went really easy and better than I expected (remember that I'm using 6mm XPS), but still I didn't put spar inside because I don't know how to resize it. I simply glued wing empty inside, molded it to required shape and then put alu spar inside. Dihedral is completely random. Few aspects still need correction, split elevator isn't working too good, it tends to roll plane when you punch it. It'd be a good idea to add markings on turtldeck formers for easy montage, and well, that's it. Really good plane overall, in my feeling better than SS P-39 and MM P-51.