I got the hobbyking 200mW 900MHz fpv system. Seemed to work well, so I made the Clover leaf and Skew Planar antennas from David's instructions. Got one flight on that with a great improvement on picture clarity. I went to fly a few days later, and it was like the frequency had shifted. instead of being on ch3 in the rx it was ch1 and the range was literally 3ft. Then I stopped getting any signal. Took it inside to troubleshoot and plugged it in again and smoke...
The best I can figure is that I made the clover leaf wrong or something. The original Dipole antenna measures an open circuit when I try to measure resistance, but my clover leaf (and the skew planar) measure a short circuit.
What am I missing?
That all said, I can't find a cheap replacement for the vtx. HK only has the full system (and that on backorder). Everywhere else has the transmitter for the cost of the full system on hk.
What are the frequencies that the 12ch receiver that comes with the system can pick up? Will it pick up 1.2 or 2.4GHz?
Also, is anyone familiar with the components on this receiver? I know which component died and can post pictures if someone could tell me what it is.
I would appreciate any help that ya'll could give me.
The best I can figure is that I made the clover leaf wrong or something. The original Dipole antenna measures an open circuit when I try to measure resistance, but my clover leaf (and the skew planar) measure a short circuit.
What am I missing?
That all said, I can't find a cheap replacement for the vtx. HK only has the full system (and that on backorder). Everywhere else has the transmitter for the cost of the full system on hk.
What are the frequencies that the 12ch receiver that comes with the system can pick up? Will it pick up 1.2 or 2.4GHz?
Also, is anyone familiar with the components on this receiver? I know which component died and can post pictures if someone could tell me what it is.
I would appreciate any help that ya'll could give me.
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