Well I maidened it! I was impatient so I took it up in our small backyard. I can fly most of my 1s umx planes in it, but the 2s umx birds are pretty tight. Even some of the 1s planes I don’t fly in our backyard. Anyways I flew the triplane in there and it flew amazing! It just floats along and was a lot of fun to fly! It was a little tight but definitely doable. I even pulled a loop, although it was sketchy with the space I had...

Then later in the afternoon I took it to the field and wow - I saw it’s other side! Both flights were on a 3s 1000 mah lipo, radial 2206 motor and a 6x4.5 prop. It has limitless vertical, insane power, extremely maneuverability - borderline 3-D. As far as the wheels do, they do great on hard surfaces but as soon as you land on grass it flips over. Take-offs and landings on a hard smooth surface are really great though!