You dont use expo on quads EVER. You manipulate Super Rate in betaflight to get the curves you desire. What happens is RC Rate without Super Rate can be insane the entire range of the sticks. Super Rate mellows that out a bit differently then EXPO does. If you add expo to all that your center stick gets deceptively mushy and the outer parts get insane. Find your curve with Super Rate. Also keep in mind you will need to lower RC rate a touch so you dont end up in the 1200 dps range.
Keep in mind (maybe not so important on tiny quads) you set your rates up first THEN tune your quad and yes contrary to you tube wisdom.. betaflight stock tune is lame. Its extremely gimped so people dont fry their crappy bang good gear as soon as they arm. To an experienced pilot betaflight stock tune is akin to flying a wet noodle. The pros hype it up because they get something in return for doing so. With that in mind a separate tune for each of the three rate settings you can put on a switch will be better for the longevity of your gear. For now sort out your rates and switches then you can work into tuning so its not so overwhelming.
I think the default tune has its benefits as a base line, to make sure that things are at least working, and it's something to start from. I think that's why so many tuning PIDs videos are confusing - they don't give you a STARTING point to go from, just "it's different for everyone", which isn't really helpful. I agree that the stock tunes are garbage, but if you don't know where to at least start from and go up/down from there, how do you know what's bad?
(This reminds me - I've got to make some changes to my PIDs for the Glide Freestyle I've got - thing feels great for banging through the gates, but it does not want to roll/flip easily in acro)