3d print

  1. Mid7night

    Part 3D Printed EDF Duct - 1106 Gremlin Motor v4

    This is the print file for the custom EDF motor-mount-ducts that I designed for my 7ft B-52. It has been updated to work with 2" props, and has motor mount holes for the 1106 size motors.
  2. Z

    Blunt Nose Versa or Spear 3D print mod

    I am interested in making a version of either the blunt nose versa or the spear that has 3d printed pieces to allow for wing removal. I am in the beginning stages of brainstorming this and am looking for input. Something like the Parrot Disco would be nice (as I imagine some cross spars/rods...
  3. H

    Hi from Young, Arizona

    Hi, I've been watching FT on Youtube for a while now, and it's inspired me to design a 3D printable FPV fixed wing. I want something that will be nice and slow, fairly long range, and have a good battery life. I have some experience with CAD and printing, but I know nothing of best practices for...
  4. Z

    Exploring Ducted Props with 3D Printing

    A sleep deprived idea came into my head when thinking about an active cooling system for a friend's Mikado, the result was scary, and I may have stumbled into the gateway for EDFs. These 1806 motors used to have an overheat problem when using 6045 bullnoses, but the 5040 3 bladed props kept it...
  5. P

    An alternative to a GoPro

    I'd love to have a GoPro mounted to get great video, but when money is tight I have to think how can I do this cheaper. Requirement one: Record is button press I found this great little project to make an action cam with a raspberry pi, so that's one box ticked...
  6. G

    Is there an official Flite Test Thingiverse account?

    I was looking to 3D print some control horns and a firewall for a Bloody Wonder. Is there an official Flite Test Thingiverse account or some other place you can download Flite Test 3D parts? There are a few parts on Thingiverse but they seem to be of various quality.
  7. S

    Rapid-Prototyped Blended-Wing-Body Slope Soarer

    Hi everyone, On the podcast Rapid-Prototyping (3d printing) has been mentioned a few times relating to parts like motor mounts and camera gimbals. Here's a project being done in Sheffield (UK), a fully printed airframe with a wingspan of 1.5 metres, coming in at under 2kg. AMRC - FDM-printed...
  8. P

    3D printed Tricopter based on David's V2.6

    I am a big fan of FliteTest. I check the site every day for new ideas. Ever since I watched the video of David building his V2.6 design (scratch build), I wanted to build my own. I have already tried and failed to build/fly an X quad and H quad. Since David gave me enough confidence, I went for...