Oddly enough I never had an intention to own a Taranis it just sort of happened.
If you listen to the recent podcast you'll hear the back store.
I'd gone for a flight with the Sukhoi and accidentally lifted off in Stagility mode/ high rates.
"Really wish my radio would talk to me..." Plus as much as I love my Turnigy 9X radios with ER9X I keep running into low memory issues.
So the 9XR Pro was on my radar since all my modules would simply move over. Plus it has voice and a SD port.
In passing I mentioned this to a fellow flyer at the field.
"Oh I have a 2nd Taranis I could sell you..."
D'oh. We struck up a deal and now I'm part of the group now.
Flying Circus will have to show me the secret hand shake now I guess.

If you listen to the recent podcast you'll hear the back store.
I'd gone for a flight with the Sukhoi and accidentally lifted off in Stagility mode/ high rates.
"Really wish my radio would talk to me..." Plus as much as I love my Turnigy 9X radios with ER9X I keep running into low memory issues.
So the 9XR Pro was on my radar since all my modules would simply move over. Plus it has voice and a SD port.
In passing I mentioned this to a fellow flyer at the field.
"Oh I have a 2nd Taranis I could sell you..."
D'oh. We struck up a deal and now I'm part of the group now.
Flying Circus will have to show me the secret hand shake now I guess.

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