I am
attempting to design something for this build... It's pretty rough.
I'm still calculating thrust angle and precise wing placement. Masses for everything but tape/glue, control horns/rods, and servo arms/wires/extensions are accounted for... 393.54 grams with a 3s Lipo, 10a ESC, 6040 e-prop and a 2204 1200kv (prop saver) motor
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the elevator needs to be scored on the back side...
View attachment 166862
more to come as I work on it
EDIT 1: made a mistake with the polyhedral, 15 degrees became ~20. I don't know how that will affect the flight characteristics. and the full length box fuse is a little skewed.
View attachment 167118
Tape reinforcements on all control surfaces, major seams, and leading edges.
Reconsidering the power system at the moment... 400 grams on an ~a-pack equivalent might be a bit much.