Thank you for the Interest @L Edge in this project.Do you have a build thread and information on how you determined twist angle and how you accomplished it for the above model?
I don't think I understand what you're asking. the... this IS the build-log page... Specifically Posts#2 and better, yet post #3 (soon to also include Post #4) and Part #10 "Twist guide" on the Right of the Free Plan sheet from post #97.
The... Twist angle was something determined by NASA chief Engineer Albion Bowers using Ludwig Prandlt's 4 page paper on solving the lift equation for efficiency. After listening to Al's talks at Oshkosh, EAA workshop and some of his other videos (available through Youtube) and the Information Published by the AMA and they had the airfoil and twist information on their website for a while, and in detail in Al Bowers' Technical NASA Paper, which covers not only the foil sections, but the twist angles. I took that information and... dumbed it down a bit so it would be simple and buildable using the DTFB Build methods we are familiar with here.
As outlined in post #1, #2, and #3 and some others... there are three (3) KEY things that allow this fly without rudder.
- The wing airfoil goes from a Modified Clark-Y (roughly) to a symmetrical airfoil by the tips.
- The twist is +8° at the root to -2° at the tip. This is a 10° twist. (The motor is mounted with a Thrust angle of 0°.)
- The control surfaces are only on the outer 25% of the wing.
Here's an update on what they are doin with the MARS wing: