Thought you use the end the “A” points to (is that the flat or angled end?).....Yes it is, just uses the straight end.
I use the end with the A and the angle. I believe its called 3 degrees thrust angle.Thought you use the end the “A” points to (is that the flat or angled end?).....
Maybe that’s where I went wrong with my earlier builds.... now you’ve got me second guessing myself.
Sorry I've been out of it for a few days, but I'm back. Nicely done @kilroy07! Showing all us noobs how it should be done. Absolutely beautiful flight. You flew the DR1 like you'd been practicing with it forever. Calling that a successful maiden is a serious understatement. You even threw in a couple of loops! It's hard to ask for a much better maiden than that. Congratulations!Alright guys, here you go!! (sexy headgear and all!)
Now, lets see what you've got!
Absolutely perfect day to fly today! Took the $11 Tiny trainer, the Dr.1 and my repaired Mustang, every one got a battery and every one made it home in one piece (even the $11tt which landed on the far side of a 6' ditch full of water... I was trying to get it to flat spin...)![]()
Brother, you ain't lying! It's been an ordeal, but my doc thinks he's got it licked and I should be able to go back to work in a couple of weeks. I eat like a darn horse and I was suffering from malnutrition of all things. It had been going on so long that my body was eating itself. I've got a pretty funky metabolism to begin with, and it's just one of those things that happens. A whole lot of tests and a cornucopia of medications later, but I'm finally on the mend. Thank you, Lord!this getting old thing sucks, am I right?!
Go do it fox. Waiting for a we had a great time post followed by a videoBrother, you ain't lying! It's been an ordeal, but my doc thinks he's got it licked and I should be able to go back to work in a couple of weeks. I eat like a darn horse and I was suffering from malnutrition of all things. It had been going on so long that my body was eating itself. I've got a pretty funky metabolism to begin with, and it's just one of those things that happens. A whole lot of tests and a cornucopia of medications later, but I'm finally on the mend. Thank you, Lord!
It is a rotary F Pack motor. I'll be running a 6x3 prop with a 20amp ESC and a 3s 850mAh batt. I made sure the outer bell was clear of the cowling.
+- 80% throttle in flight, 50% for landing. Got it.
Elevator authority? Ha! I've got a switch for that!
My son just got home and we're about to load up. I pray that field is dry!
I can imagine all those wings would cause a lot of drag as well as loads of lift, making it a handful in wind. It does still look a bit tail heavy, often an issue when making models of WW1 planes. The original planes were basically wood poles and fabric with a huge radial heavy engine at the front. Difficult to recreate in model form.I present the Maiden Flight of my first ever DR1 build!
We flew the Mini Scout first as a warm up. That was pretty cool as well. It's over here:
The first launch didn't go so well. She was indeed tail heavy. I added three quarters above the cowling and she flew a lot better. My son and I just couldn't believe how darn cool the DR1 looks when it's flying! Video really doesn't do it justice. It may be small, but it's got a serious presence when it's airborne.
I kept it toned down so my son could get a chance to fly it. Even without my usual amateur (and oh so fun!) attempts at aerobatics, that plane is a lot of fun to fly. She is definitely a handful in the wind!
I'm still not sure about the CG on that thing. I've got batteries recharged and we're going to try again tomorrow. If it doesn't rain, maybe the wind will be lighter and I can figure it out. In the meantime I'm going to leave it where it's at.
A couple faux pas. At the beginning I meant to say "new plane" and instead I said "newborn." A little freudian slip there, I guess.And when she swung around in her own length, I said it was 90 degrees, but it was 180. Even more impressive.
Then it was my son's turn!
The poor kid was worried about breaking my plane and had a couple of aborted ground launches and I ended up hand launching for him. As is his usual, he got that plane to do some wild stuff. He actually nosed into the wind and rose vertically, like he was on an elevator. I've never seen anything like it.
He also inadvertently named my un-named DR1. Her name is now "Challenge." Aptly named she is, too! Then he brought her in for a pretty decent landing, all things considered.
Throughout the whole ordeal, Challenge sustained only minor damage to the landing gear struts. Mostly because I couldn't get them in place quickly enough and they weren't really mounted correctly. That's been repaired and she's ready to go again.
We attempted to fly the Simple Scout next. That VERY short video is over here:
We were out of time, and the poor Tiny Trainer didn't get her go. Hopefully tomorrow.
So, let's see... Sundown57 beat us all to the punch with the first maiden. Kilroy rocked the house with a pristine flight on his maiden. I learned what a wonderful plane the DR1 is on my maiden. My son gave it antigravity on his maiden. Hmmm. Someone is missing, I think...
Mayan! You're up, Brother!![]()
Se.5 is next on the table!Now, get that Se.5 going, some streamers and lets see you and your son dogfight! 😉