That is what I use. I buy them from Ace Hardware in the fastener isle. In this case, I used two pieces of 1/8 balsa laminated together. I also used poly styrene tubing cut the same thickness of the wing and glued into the wing holes.( EverGreen poly styrene tubing form Hobby Lobby) This will allow U to bolt without compressing the wings. I then use an Xacto knife to make small holes for the bolts. Then I saturate the balsa with thin CA to reinforce the wood fibers and finish with a drill bit. U can use a tap to thread or I buy a steel bolt the same size and use that to tap the threads. Reinforce with more thin CA. If your plane is of some size and weight, then use birch ply or a Maple hardwood for the bolts to screw into. in that case U need to use a thread tap.