Elite member
Stingbee,thank you headbang..
David to be honest, i really want to have a 20 x 30 inches foam cutter. I have purchase the v1 engineering mini-rambo version including printed parts and the elctronic package( miniboard rambo and the motors seen in the picture is only design for 24 x 24 inches foam cutter is all i have.My question is will be these version is all i need and compatible to 20x 30 inches dimension size cnc foam cuttter?
I did notice it was smaller than I expected, but the size makes little difference... all the same components are used, only belts, wiring, and conduit change. I was referring to the fact that the machine you show wasn't belted or wired up at all... thus not operational. I was thrilled that you did apparently get the right printed parts bundle for the conduit you could get.
At this point, you must get the MPCNC operational... nothing else matters until this is done. That's what I was trying to stress in my last post. Cut new conduit... for 20" x 30" working area, conduit lengths will be minimum about 11" more in X and Y dimensions. For a little leeway. I always cut my conduit 36" and 48"... for actual working area of about 25" x 37"; i.e. a little extra for clamps and such. It's a larger machine but the needle cutter is a light load and doesn't generally create problems.
With new conduit, wire up all the motors... follow the MPCNC assembly instructions. You did get the wiring harnesses?
Once motor wiring is complete, you'll have 3 motor connectors to plug into the miniRambo... it should have already been flashed with the proper firmware when you got it. Wire the 12-volt power supply to the miniRambo... making sure positive to "+", and negative to "-". Plug in a USB cable from the computer you're using... don't worry about LCD, or anything else, at this point.
Install RepetierHost on your computer, launch it, and try to connect to the miniRambo. You may need to make sure you have the proper Arduino driver installed. Once you can connect, go to Manual control and try to jog each axis... X, Y, and Z. For X, + to the right, - to the left. For Y, + away from you, - toward you. For Z, + is up, - is down. Just reverse the connector on the miniRambo for the axis that goes opposite to the directions above.
Finally, PLEASE post pictures on the forum of your fully-operational machine -- or at least as operational as you can get it -- and we can go from there. Don't be embarassed or shy. Getting the machine running is PRIORITY. Once that's done then you can follow the Estlcam basics page I referenced in my post.
Good luck.
-- David