Shifting gears and going to a different gcode/cutting file design software.
Over the past couple weeks i have been slowly dialing in the speed and heat i want for this xps/Homedepot foam. I have finally settled on Rene 41 28.5g wire. It is amazingly small and strong. Kerf so small its almost like doing a razer blade cut on the fast side (root). I guess because it is so small, the mass, that even putting what would normally be too much heat thru it, it just doesnt radiate as much heat out into the foam, or not as far. Pretty happy with it. I think i got about 10 feet for $6 or so dollars from Jacobs online. Shipped super quick.
At the time of posting this i am using 100mm a minute speed and around 11 watts of power, around 11.96v i think.
Here is an example of how nicely its cutting as of 6/16/2018
But, since i have been testing on scraps, i have never had a reason to try cutting out a left and a right side. This weekend i was attempting my first project and ran into problems with the mirrored side. Long story short, there is something not quite right with the web page cutting program. One side not only cuts a different speed, but the geometry is drastically different as show below.
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Linuxcnc display window is fine, but it comes out really strange. It should be cutting out both roots on one side and both tips on the other, which it is, but as shown they are way different.
So as I wait for the web page to get fixed Keith suggested i try out Jedicut. Its also a free product, but is a windows program, not a webpage. It will do cutting files and CAM, but i will be using it to output a gdcode file since i have linuxcnc working already. While they do have an english version to download, the error messages are still in the french language, so some googling is required lol
Also as a side bonus when googling issues with it you pretty quickly get into some light saber battle results
I will post as get more into this program.
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