Hey everyone,
I'm new on the forum and have just signed up after searching for my problem online and noticing in this forum.
According to the title, i'm having issue with trying to spin a motor. When i try it, it makes a scrapping sound. There are many posts here in the forum about it (which i...
I have been trying to finish up my first quad build. I have wired everything up according to the speedy bee f7 manual and gotten the flight controller connected in Beta flight. I have been trying to setup my receiver and ESCs/motors.
I have gotten the receiver to bind with my...
My friend picked me up 2 planes and 3 eMax BLHeli 12a ESCs at Flite Fest last year. Finally built them and they won't arm with my Hitec Optima or Minima receivers. Seems this was a known issue back in 2015 (https://github.com/bitdump/BLHeli/issues/77). I tried 1-wire programming them with a...
I'm trying to calibrate the 12A Emax BLHeli ESC that came with my FT Tiny Trainer. My receiver is a Turnigy TGY-iA6C and it is successfully bound to my Evolution. For some unknown reason I can't get my ESCs to go into programming mode. When I connect the battery, the Evolution recognizes the RX...
I am in a bit of a pickle..
Built my gremlin, and had gotten threw all the way to the motor reversal step in blheli. Up to this point I have had no connection issue, motors spun up fine in betaflight.
Now in blheli, it is having weird communication issues as at first, none of the esc's...
I'm looking to upgrade some of the parts on my old ZMR250 build. Thing is I have been out of the loop with the latest and greatest, especially in the BlHeli/Betaflight department. So I am wondering if you guys can tell me what is currently the 'bee's knees' as far as miniquad components go...
So i got my gremlin kit in the mail today and immediately starting going to work, 5 hours later i am almost complete, i have tested the direction of my motors, and 2 of 4 need reversed, following along with TJS build video i launch BLheli suite and attempt to connect with my battery still...
I have recently finished a quad build, but once I arm the quad and apply throttle the motors don't spin until i give full throttle and the escs begin to beep. There is no control over the motors and as far as I can tell everything is wired correctly. I have manually calibrated the esc using the...
Hi guys & girls,
I have recently built my first quad(250mm)- zmr250, naze32, 2280kv motors & emax blheli escs.
I'm currently using Orange 1000mah 30c-3s batteries with Imax B3 compact Lipo Balance...
Hey there, I have been building a 250 class quadcopter since the last 2 weeks.
I'm using the following components:
1. ZMR 250 C.F frame(Chinese clone)
2. Naze32 10 DOF Rev6
3. Marspower MX1806-2280kv motors
4. Emax Blheli (yinyanmodel.com) 12a esc's from...
Hey i currently own a set of these: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MFK99X2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
and was wondering which revision/version of the latest BLHeli firmware i can flash onto them. As they are a generic ESC, i would like to know what firmware is...
So, I am not sure where to start. I would like to use the Cleanflight passthrough to flash my ESC's. These are the EMAX-BLHeli-12A ESC's that my wife purchased with the original Versacopter suggested power pack E - good with the 2204 motors. I have the Naze rev 6 board and the latest version...
Hi there,
I would love to see a show that deals with the omnipresent issue of Motor/ESC Timing Problems. A lot of People experience These Problems with either SimonK or BLHeli flashed ESCs in conjunction with either high KV racer or big low KV pancake motors.
There is no good source on the...
Hi everyone. Just wondering weather there are downsides of using full beacon strength.
I am running littlebee 20A, damped light medium high timing.
Seems to me that if I loose my quad, and cant get the buzzer going, I would want the best chance of finding it again.
Have you ever had a BLHeli ESC, ever had it on a craft and lost power in-flight?
Last week I had that happen, the result was a hard impact crash, it did cause some damage; to my FT Explorer CORE but over all nothing I can't fix.. Had It been on my racer250 quad or one of my other craft, well...
So I had a crash a while back and ever since, my ship has been intermittently bouncing around in the air and feeling very unstable. (I don't know if this particular problem is related to the crash, but I thought I'd mention it.)
So I ended up replacing literally every single part in the...
I'm looking for some guidance as I start to build a new quad. I have three 15 amp version 1 MultiStar ESC's from an older Tri-copter and purchased a version 2 15 amp MultiStar ESC that is loaded with BLHeli. Will I be able to use the three older and one newer together? If not, what if I...
I'd like one that can run SimonK or BL Heli
I haven't found any good candidates so far
RTFQ has some but, it's been 3 weeks and I've heard nothing so I'm not optimistic about that option,
and this one has terrible reviews...
Hello all,
I am building a ZMR250 for a friend and went with ZTW spider ESC's and Emax 2204 2300 kv motors as they were 1. available, 2. cheap.
I enabled damped-light and one-shot in cleanflight and it works (had to set my mincommand to 960 as it had a strange clicking wile idle) but the...