The first one (in all aspects possible) BB
I just finished the first successful flight day of my first swappable, first scratch build, first plane built by my own hands and the very first RC plane I've ever had on my own; and guess what: it is Baby Blender! Not exactly the perfect first-time plane; but it worked quite well. Not from the first time, though...
The very first plane I've made did not even get airborne. I'm not sure why exactly it behaved this way; it was fast-taxiing all over the place, but when pulled back on the stick, it just jumped few inches, lost all the speed and fall back to the earth. The second one... well, it got definitely too heavy, too fast and too maneuverable for the first-time pilot. The third one went down two times - first there was a lantern pole (in the very first flight, less than a minute), then the wind got too strong. And I was a bit too inpatient to wait for another day...
But now, it's the fourth plane - or rather the same plane built fourth time - I've made in last two months - it's still the Baby Blender swappable, but with some mods; most notable are low profile fuselage, full wing struts (they broke into pieces after every "event"), different wing spans and... full span flap on the upper wing. It does make a huge difference - deployed half way greatly reduces the speed; full flap deflection (around 70 degrees) works great as an airbrake. And skis of course - we still do have a winter on the fields. Here are some pictures made today:
Even if this is not the most-recommended first-time airplane, today it flew perfectly fine - capable of both slow and fast flights, some aerobatics, some steady cruse (even with a wind not exactly cooperating again). And the eye-catching silhouette of an old, classic biplane - this is what I love in my new "toy". And - since I do love to build and make things work, too - I'm already planning to make BB v.2 with more mods (like swept upper wing, floats, lights, bubble canopy... and some more).
And here's the last one picture of the day - after the almost-successful landing at the end of today's last flight (no damage noticed):
Thank you very much, FliteTest crew, for all your work and it's result. Keep them coming - I would like to try FT 3D, but I really have to have your FT CRUZR and Spitfire - as soon as possible!