FTFC19 - April Showers by FoamyDM, Savoia Marchetti S55X (Porco Rosso)


Building Fool-Flying Noob
Thanks. for the encouragement @mayan.

last week was spring break for us here... while the boys visit momma, I took a break too.
I spent most of the time prior trying to get a DLG ready so I could fly here:
Alas, the balance point was further back than I expected, I have to redo a couple things so I could fly it, which pushed this project.

I've been so exhausted by the kiddos bedtime, it has been hard focus enough to make progress lately. :sleep:
Some weeks. 3 planes, done and done:coffee:... other months. hmmm:unsure:getting one ready will be tough.:LOL:

I will post the progress no matter what it is.


I know nothing!
For the FTFC19 April Showers Challenge I will submit one From Scratch build that is in my idea folder:
Savioa Marchetti, SM-55 depicted in Porco Rosso
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This was a real plane. First as a military vehicle then turned into a commercial endeavor.
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Project Ambitions: Design and build this plane, flying it, then make is watertight and Fly it in the rain.
I know this an old post, but my, that is one crazy-cool plane! Where are you at with it now?


Building Fool-Flying Noob
I need a servo extension or splitter. the servos I ordered from amazon came with 4" leads, not 6" as advertised... As all my parts and pieces are in boxes while I build a build room /shop I is cramping my style. haven't found one yet, and I need it to close the wing.

I expect I will work on it a bit in the next to days... I just might have to leave a large thin hatch.


Building Fool-Flying Noob
Ok. Splitter came in.so I installed it, and closed up the wing.

The lines are to match in with the center keel piece on the 'toons so the stay aligned . Feature to be added to the plans


I know nothing!
I think you've got the most exciting build project currently going. I can't wait to see this thing. Are you going to do a pusher/puller? How about that "stuck on as an afterthought" tail boom?


Building Fool-Flying Noob
Really? Thanks.
I have a stupid amount of project going right now. I am almost desperate to get some of these off my "build" table
oh, yeah, It's Happening! Push + Pull 1806s with 0604s pr 0503 triblades. 12a escs. I have to build the power pod wall. They were a hair shallower

I have a Really thick BBQ skewers to use as the booms. then I will thread wrap/CA glue the truss diagonals.

It will either be amazing or terrible when it launches. I will make a wheel set to launch from the ground. I will not be risking a hand launch.
so far, Happy with the Wing.


I know nothing!
I agree, I think the wing came out good. You captured the shape really well. I wouldn't want to hand launch it, either. Better to find an issue six inches after take off, then after throwing it into the air.

Apple Pie

Elite member
Wow, I love it! I'm kind of obsessed with seaplanes at the moment and this one is certainly unique. Good luck finishing it up. Watching with much interest :)


Building Fool-Flying Noob
This one always seems to be a little progress at a time. This time it's installing servos servo wires oh yeah, the motor nacelle is mounted. I have toothpicks. I will add skewers for strength and rounding out the front of the struts.

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