I firmly believe sims are worth every penny. I built and flew a lot in the early 70's and up to 1986 when I got married and sold everything. In all that time I got to where I could fly but never with any real confidence. Around 2000 I got the itch again. I decided to get a sim first before spending all the money necessary to get back into the hobby again. I bought Real Flight 3 as it was the newest then. ( I still have it with the few updates). I flew quite a bit until I could make every dead stick landing safely. I bought and built the Sig Somethin' Extra and the Sig LT-40 for glow power. I also bought a SlowStick and a Mountain Models SwitchBack for electric power. Got divorced and moved to Phoenix (Mesa) in 2002. My first flights there were with the SlowStick and the SwitchBack. Thanks to the sim time I had NO anxiety. No shakiness and the first flights in 15 years were perfect. I fell in love with electric power and never flew the two glow powered birds. I sold them off to buy more electric kits..
My advice is to buy a sim and NEVER get married!