Your ingenuity is mind blowing. I wonder what you could do if you had access to everything I have and take for granted.
Thank you for your very kind words!!!! I guess I wouldn't have gotten to maybe half the things I've done. Maybe I wouldn't have done more than buy ARF

. No, seriously, I imagine I could do a lot more.
Is that what you ended doing with the lights? Nice. How long do they last?
Yes, i conected all my LEDs(4 in each wing = 8 total, 4 in the fuselaje and the big one in the landing gear) in parallel powered by 2AA 1.5 batteries 3V total.
My knowledge of electronics is very primitive, but taking into account that each LED must have a consumption of approximately 30mA maximum and the large 150mA. As they are all connected in parallel, the consumption should be added, (12 LEDs * 30mA = 360mA) + (1 LED 150mA) = 510mA. So a regular AA battery has 2000 mAh capacity, so it should last at least 2000mAh / 510mA = 3,921568627h.... Something like that but i am not sure.