I would have to disagree, maybe even say neither would be the best option for the bigger birds. Like I said I have had both, and My Spektrum DX6 would have brown outs rather regularly at my field, even with a genuine DSMX RX. This was likely due to the 2.4ghz interference off the cell tower in the corner of the field. However, I am yet to have an issue or even a micro failsafe with the RM TX16S, I'm not sure what the difference is in the TX Modules, but I agree that the Genuine DSMX TX Should theoretically provide better range, but thats not the case in my experience. The best all around option if you want my opinion is probably a 900mhz System like the FRSKY R9M or the TBS Crossfire. Seems a little different but the range is insane and the latency is low, so what's not to like? I'd go there if I do anything more than basic parkflyer stuff, but for now the TX16s Internal RF Module is working flawlessly!