Texan AT6


FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
Well that went a lot quicker than the Corsair. Sent Alp the preliminary plans for review. Should be ready by tomorrow barring any major changes.


FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
Here is what I want mine to look like!

AT-6 Texan Aeroshell.jpg


Just please stop making these wonderful planes!

Now I have to add this one to my HUGE build list!

This plane is beautiful



Junior Member
I am amazed that the plane in the Texan video is made of foam-core board. You did an incredible job and the video of the maiden flight had me on the edge of my seat. It appears that you are on the edge of a cliff and you very well may be but each time you went over the cliff I thought that wind was going to take that plane away to never be seen again. Thanks for sharing the great videos, plans, and information. - Shane


The Geeky Pilot
Could you take some pictures of how and the location you have your servos setup? I am saving up for new electronics for a swappable pod and servos.. What parts of this can be built without putting the servos in during the build? Basically the wife told me to wait on electronics however. I can probably swing foam at the moment and start the build. :) I see it takes a short powerpod can it fit the standard FT powerpod? I am planning on building a duster and racer and want to have the pod work in all 3.

BTW when I was 10 I actually flew in one of theses that my Dad's friend owned. He asked me if I wanted to take the stick. I was to scared so said no. I still kick my self to this day over it.
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Junior Member
hi sir
can u please tell where is the cg point of AT6 ?
and cg point of TEMPEST MKll ?
thanks alot in advance and look very beautifull i build then and they turlly very beautifull


Active member
Hi Aly,
Here is CG point,
AT6; 93mm(3.5") from leading edge(LE)
Tempest mk2; 75mm(3") from leading edge.


FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
Well, I finally printed the tiled plans. Let's do this!!!



That is an amazing looking plane. I love that you maidened it in the wind :) What program did you use to model it? I have been working on a GeeBee in sketchup but I cant get it too look anything like that and I won't get the poster-board patterns with the approach I have taken so far. I would love to know how you did it.